Getting To Know Our Herbal Tea Kit Seeds - By Garden Republic
It's tea time! Ok maybe not just yet, but it's plant-your-tea-seeds time! If you're reading this, you've purchased or were gifted our one of our world's famous DIY Garden Grow Kits and are wondering how to get the best seed germination!
Whether you're starting a garden for the first time, or an avid green thumb that wants to learn some new tricks and tips, we are here to help you have the best seed-sprouting success!
Getting to know your seeds: We know you're excited to start planting your seeds, but before you begin to do so, take a peek at each seed variety below, as they have important seed-specific recommendations for better germination and sprout growth! Our Medicinal Herb Garden Seed Set features 10 Non-GMO heirloom seed packets. Let's meet your seeds..
- Place your lavender seedlings on a tray in your fridge for 1–2 days to help the “hardening off” process, which gradually exposes tender plants to sunlight, wind, and uneven temperatures.
- Now, it’s planting time! Place seeds on top of prepared soil and sprinkle a tablespoon of soil evenly over the seeds to cover them.
- Indoors or outdoors, your Lavender likes to soak up the sun. If growing indoors, place your pot under strong sunlight.
- Your soil should be damp, never wet! Sometimes a slight difference makes all the difference.
- Lavender likes its soil at a constant 70°F (21°C) temperature.
- You should see sprouts in 14 days, if not, don’t worry! Keep taking care of your lavender, and it will grow.
- When the plant has developed into a bushy-form, you can select as many as two bunches. Never take more than 25% of the overall foliage off at once.
- Chamomile
- Soak your Chamomile in cool water for 12 hours before planting. Pro tip: pour the water through a coffee filter afterward, for easier access to the seeds.
- Chamomile is a shallow-rooted plant, so plant seeds shallow. Sprinkle only a teaspoon of soil over them to very lightly cover them.
- Place the pot in an area with enough light that you can easily read a book.
- Chamomile can thrive in dry environments, so we recommend misting instead of watering. Watering may cause the seeds to sink too far into the soil.
- Chamomile can withstand a range of temperatures, with the optimum range being between 85°F (29°C) during the day and 65°F (18°C) at night.
- Sprouts should pop in about 14 days. If not, scratch the topsoil slightly to help bring lost seeds to the surface.
- You can start harvesting your chamomile plant as soon as it builds six sets of 6” leaves. Harvest blossoms by snipping them off when they’re fully open.
- Soak your peppermint in cool water for 12 hours before planting. Pro tip: pour the water through a coffee filter afterward, for easier access to the seeds.
- Keep your seedlings close to the surface, since peppermint has a minimal root system. A teaspoon of soil is all they need to cover them.
- These guys need moisture — mist a few times a day. Still dry? Place your plant pot in a Ziploc bag under direct sunlight for a couple of days. The miniature boggy eco-system will encourage sprouts.
- Mint prefers temperatures between 55°F and 70°F (13-21ºC). If growing indoors, move them off the windowsill at night.
- You’ll see sprouts in 14 days. Make sure to keep them damp and happy so that they continue to grow!
- Allow your pot to fill out completely before starting to harvest. After that, you can pick off up to 25% of your peppermint plant at a time.
Lemon Balm
- Lemon balm seeds need a 12 hour soak to soften up their seed casing before planting.
- Make sure you plant your lemon balm seedlings within the top 1/4” of soil. Fill your pot with soil first, then remove a tablespoon of the soil to cover your seeds with.
- Provide them with a strong light source for as close to 8 hours a day as possible.
- Once you get your first sprouts of lemon balm growing, don’t be shy with the water!
- Keep the pots in an area where the temperature will not vary drastically from day to night time. Try to keep them as constantly close to 70 degrees as possible.
- You should see tiny leaves emerge from the soil within 7-10 days.
- To get the best flavor out of lemon balm, shear it with scissors, cutting it down by half or more, at least once a month, depending on how fast your plant grows.
- Give your catnip seedlings an overnight chill in your freezer, then soak them in a warm bowl of water for 24 hours. This will mimic a natural freeze/thaw cycle and help them to “harden off.”
- Place the seeds directly on top of your prepared soil and sprinkle a teaspoon of soil over the seeds to “plant” them. Placing them in a hole may cause them to sink too deep into the soil.
- Provide your catnip seedlings with a strong light source, as close to 8 hours a day as possible.
- Catnip is a distant relative to mint, which thrives in cool, moist spots. Like mint, it enjoys a soil that feels damp, but never soaking wet.
- Your catnip will be happiest at a room temperature of 70°F (21°C).
- Catnip seedlings take up to 14 days to sprout their tails. If they don’t pop up after 14 days, try moving them to a warmer location.
- You can harvest large cuttings of catnip at a time, just make sure you never take more than 25% of the entire plant at once.
Cinnamon Basil
- Make sure you soak your cinnamon basil seedling for a full 24 hours before planting, or until you see they develop a gray haze around each seed.
- ONLY plant three to five seeds per pot. Place your seeds at a relatively shallow depth of ¼”, if you plant Cinnamon Basil too deeply, they can rot before they ever sprout.
- Provide ample sunshine, at least 8 hours a day.
- Keep your soil damp until the first sprouts appear, then you can water as needed.
- Keep your soil temperature at 70°F (21°C). Basil is very cold sensitive and fluctuations in soil temperature can cause it to not sprout.
- You should see your first sprouts in 2 weeks. If you’re having trouble getting your cinnamon basil to sprout, try easing up on your watering regimen and provide it with a more intense light source to match cinnamon basil’s deliciously intense flavor!
- Pinch basil leaves from the top to promote bushy growth and to prevent the plant from going to seed. Although the leaves towards the bottom will look larger and more alluring, the fresh shoots towards the top are the most flavorful.
- Growing dandelions in a controlled environment is a little trickier than just blowing away a dandelion puff. Advance the sprouting process by placing your seeds in the fridge for 2 days before planting.
- To make the most out of your dandelion seedlings, cover them in a light blanket of soil at no more than ¼”.
- Dandelions need almost 10 hours of light, so plant your dandelion seedlings in a garden bed that gets direct sunlight or crank up your grow lamp.
- Daily misting and damp (not soaked!) soil will keep your dandelions in good shape.
- Dandelions can take up to 21 days to sprout, but once they pop, they don’t stop!
- Your dandelions can be used for almost anything and harvested at any time! Pluck the leaves for spring salads, the flowers for wine, or pull the whole plant up and use the roots as an elixir.
- Get your echinacea off to a running start by placing them in your fridge for 2 days before planting.
- After the cold treatment, plant your seedlings in warm soil at a depth of ⅛”.
- Since echinacea is native prairie flowers, they need as much sunlight as you can throw at them — up to 12 hours. If using a grow lamp, crank up the light.
- Keep the soil moist, but slightly on the damp side. Echinacea is delicate, so be sure not to overwater your plant.
- Echinacea seedlings come up naturally in late May when the soil temperature reaches 65°F (18°C). Whether growing indoors or directly into your flower bed, try to keep the soil at a constant temperature of 65°-70°F (18°-21°C) to promote rapid germination.
- Sprouting may take anywhere from 10 to 20 days, and your echinacea’s first shoots will look very spindly. Don’t forget to place those fresh shoots in an area that gets tons of sunlight! Without sunlight, the sprouts will struggle to develop.
- As soon as your echinacea sets buds, you’ll be able to use the leaves for any elixir. Once it flowers, you can enjoy the seeds and petals as well!
- Fennel seedlings are almost as thick as fennel stalks and require a preliminary 2 day soak in cool water to help break down naturally occurring pre-emergent properties.
- After their soak, plant your seeds at a depth of ½”. Fennel enjoys well-draining soil, so make sure your seed soil isn’t too compacted or boggy. Add perlite if necessary!
- Like other herbs, fennel’s a sun-loving plant, so grow or place your fennel where it can receive at least 6-8 hours of light.
- Keep your soil damp until the fennel seedlings pop up. Once they sprout, your fennel can tolerate slightly drier soil. Too-wet soil can lead to bulb and seed-rot.
- Keep your soil at a temperature between 60°-70°F (16°-21°C) and you’ll keep your fennel happy and healthy!
- Fennel seeds can sprout in up to 14 days. If no sprouts appear, try moving them to a brighter location.
- All parts of fennel are useful, with the foliage being best for teas and potions. Wait until each frond grows up to 6” before pinching them off as needed.
- Before planting, soak your marjoram seeds in cool water for 12 hours. This will help soften the seed casing and help them sprout more rapidly.
- Since marjoram seedlings are relatively weak sprouters, they must be planted at a shallow depth with ⅛” of loose soil covering.
- Marjoram loves full-sun. Establish yours in a sun-facing area or pot under direct sunlight.
- Keep your soil damp until your seeds sprout! Once developed, marjoram can tolerate more sporadic watering.
- Not too hot and not too cold, marjoram thrives at a temperature between 65°-70°F (18°-21°C).
- Marjoram seeds take up to 21 days to sprout due to their woody habit, but once they get growing, they take off like wildfire. Their sprouts will oftentimes pop up right after you’re ready to give up on them!
- A little marjoram goes a long way. Pick as many pieces as you need. When marjoram is happy, it will grow back quite quickly. But never take more than 50% off the total foliage at once.
Now that we have met our Herbal Garden Seed Set - stay tuned for our guide to planting & growing our this beautiful seed set.
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